Business Growth Brainstorming Session

Transform current COVID-19 outbreak challenges into business growth opportunities

How are you dealing with the current crisis? Is your team fully remote? Do you feel sales dropping and business accounts leaving the boat or downsizing contracts?

The Free flash Marketing Session has ended. Fill in the form to watch recording.  

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Do you want to be part of this collaborative learning and growth experience?

Let us know what questions you have and we will find experts in our team and our business network to help. All of this is pro bono and with no strings attached!

Here are a few topics you might be interested in:

  • Business events are being canceled and this was the main channel for you to reach customers, what should you do next?
  • How to identify opportunities for your product or service in the rapidly changing climate;
  • Your product or service can benefit the local, regional or national community. How can you communicate this faster and more effectively so it can reach more people? 
  • Your business wants to help, you want to get involved in CSR initiatives but you may need an efficient PR and communication plan;
  • Should I cut my sales and marketing budget fast?
  • How do I reconfigure my marketing strategy in the short term?
  • How do I reconfigure my marketing budget allocation on a short, medium and long term?
  • How do I move towards a more digital marketing-oriented approach to ensure I keep in touch with customers and prospects?
  • What new technologies and channels can I approach to ensure continuity in my marketing team and activities?
  • What type of marketing and communication campaigns can I still approach during the pandemic?

Let’s support each other with experience sharing and advice.

Invite a business peer to this Free brainstorming by email.


There is power in sharing and brainstorming with like-minded smart professionals.

Spread the word by sharing this online event with your social media connections.

Oana Lefter is an experienced marketing and sales consultant for the B2B market. Since 2008, when she joined NNC Services, Oana has been involved in hundreds of marketing and communication projects for clients on both the local and international B2B market. Oana is a Business Partner at NNC Services where she leverages her background of over 15 years’ experience driving business partnerships, streamlining processes and maximizing growth opportunities.

Oana Lefter

Managing Partner, NNC Services - Session Host & Moderator

oana lefter

For a minimum of 1 hour, we will be addressing questions businesses have regarding growth,  marketing, and sales enablement in times of crisis, and how they can shift towards digital marketing and innovate new market approaches during this time.